Virginia's OCD no longer rules her life. She reports that she's now present for and enjoys her time with her family "I enjoy being alive!"
Tags: Being present; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD);
My life has always been controlled by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
It has negatively affected my education, daily choices, and relationships with friends but most significantly it robbed me of precious time with my husband and children. I lived in fear of loosing all that I had if every little detail wasn't perfect.
For many years the arrival of bank statements, accounts and receipts created a nightmare for my family and myself. I would shut myself in my room for hours on end and go over every minute detail to make sure there were no errors. If someone interrupted the process I would have to start again. Never would I feel satisfied and agonized for days in case I hadn't checked everything. I was never free of the fear that a mistake had been missed. My mind obsessed incessantly over minute details.
After participating in the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing through The AIM Program, I started to notice a new freedom. Instead of agonizing for hours over my bank statement I found I was able to check it once and then let it go.
The greater gift is that I am now present for my children. Before my mind was always going over, and over, and over, and over any detail it could imagine giving great stress to me and anyone who happened to be around.
My house is no longer immaculate, my socks not lined up quite so rigidly, I don't rub all the grout out from between the tiles and people now feel welcome in our home.
I enjoy being alive!
Thank You.
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